Dear B-Reader,
Ah, the wonders of the winter holiday season are quickly fading. It was a joyous time, but all good things must come to an end. Those pretty packages are now simply broken-down cardboard boxes awaiting recycling day. The tree is next on the list -- to be de-trimmed and hauled to the curb for the city to mulch.
With all the putting-away and cleaning, I must not neglect virtual housekeeping. Which brings me to today's issue. For the past couple of weeks, I've noticed that my Outlook is performing sub par, as if it partied a little too hardy in the holiday celebrations. When I click on a new message in my Inbox, it has an eternal delay...OK, it's really only a five-second delay, but in our instantaneous world, you must admit that is a long time. Also, I have not received a helpful "Archive Now?" prompt lately. I thrive off of order, especially with regards to my email...this cannot be happening. I can live without the speed. But to live with archive is simply not an option.
This morning, I was determined to find out why my electronic friend has not been reminding me to archive. I went to the File menu bar - no archive to be found. Odd. I could have sworn it was always there. Clicking the Tools menu and selecting Options, archive was still hiding. Frantically, I clicked everywhere my mouse would let me, changed settings, restarted my computer, searched the always un-helpful "help" option, crossed my fingers, all with no success in locating archive.
When all else fails, who do I turn to for answers to my electronic queries? Who else but Google. After thirty-minutes of googling the solution, trying my hand at some IT "Run" lingo, another restart of my computer, and still no success...I finally clicked on a winning website. Well, it's really a blog for IT types. No, I am not an IT type, but desperate times called for desperate measures. Reading through the entries, I came upon the genius whom they call Lisa b. She offered the simplest explanation and solution to the problem I, and apparently many others, experienced. I tried it, and viola!, success! My Outlook is running smoother than ever and archive is right where it should be! Occam's Razor (Law of Parsimony, KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid) wins yet again!
In case you, too, B-Reader, want to clean up your MS Outlook, here is Lisa b's tried and true solution (along with a link to the blog):
IT Type Blog
Lisa b 20 December 2010 at 00:23
#3 Reply
Quote The fix for this is actually removal of a recent Microsoft Update.
To uninstall it, go to Control Panel, Programs, Installed Updates, and look for update KB2412171. Uninstall it and AutoArchive comes back and Outlook starts to perform better. Hopefully this will solve your problem.
It took me a while to hunt up the problem and the solution, too.
Happy New Year's to you and yours.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
Save a little tick-tock
Dear B-Reader,
Long time, no write...on my end. So very sorry. This holiday season has already been super busy for yours truly. A good kind of busy, so that works for me!
Speaking of the holiday rush, I wanted to share with you some of my favorite time-saver finds. Maybe you've already come across these? But just in case you have not experienced the burst of freedom provided by these three great items, let me convince you here.
(2) Whole Wheat Couscous. Boil water - check. Stir in couscous - check. Take "five" - check. Perfect finishing touch to any gourmet meal. And your heart will thank you, too! Available at a grocery or health food store near you.
Gotta run to the next event! Seasons greetings!
Long time, no write...on my end. So very sorry. This holiday season has already been super busy for yours truly. A good kind of busy, so that works for me!
Speaking of the holiday rush, I wanted to share with you some of my favorite time-saver finds. Maybe you've already come across these? But just in case you have not experienced the burst of freedom provided by these three great items, let me convince you here.
(1) Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure. One bottle covers the five mani-pedi steps on all ten fingers and all ten toes. It adds fast, pretty posh to top off any outfit. And what a great, modern accessory for under $10. My latest color obsession? Plum Luck, of course.
(3) Pledge Fabric Sweeper for Pet Hair. Roll this all-in-one gadget across your couch, bedspread, chair covers, and husband's tuxedo jacket. Now you're ready for that unexpected guest or holiday office party. My favorite part? The lint and fur automatically enters the self-contained chamber. No dumping. No breathing in dust. Trust me on this one, B-Reader; you know I have lots of cleaning experience when it comes to animals.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Hello, my name is
Dear B-Reader,
Please allow me a moment to vent to you, as you are such a good listener/reader.
As you know, Jeff and I try to do our part to support our local community. I am on our neighborhood's civic club board. Jeff is on our South Braeswood community's social committee. We both attend neighborhood get-togethers, town hall meetings, etc. We are not hard to miss in our little part of Houston. If you have ever been to our house around the holidays, then you know that we are the ones with the over-the-top decorations for the holidays (Halloween, Christmas, etc.). You can spot the Chalkley's from outer space! OK, you get it.
Yesterday afternoon, Jeff and I attended our community's first Party in the Park in support the renewal of Linkwood Park, our community's public park. A woman, let's call her Britney to protect her Not That Innocent-cence, approached us during this function. What follows is our conversation:
B: "Hello, I'm Britney Spears. And you are?"
[Jeff and Katherine shoot each other confused looks. Jeff brings his right hand up to his chest, double-pats to make certain that his name tag had not fallen onto the playground's sand floor.]
J: "Jeff and Katherine Chalkley."
B: "Oh, nice to meet you both. Do you live in the area?"
[Jeff and Katherine do a double-take. Katherine grits her teeth, thinking to herself, "Does Britney Spears have paparazzi-induced amnesia again?!"]
K: "Yes, we live in Linkwood at 123 Main Street."
B [In the Valley Girl tone of voice]: "Oh, so yours is the house with all the...decorations?"
K [Hesitantly]: "Yyyes."
B [Blandly]: "Oh. OK. Thanks for coming to the party."
Jeff and I have formally met Britney three times in the past six-months at three other community events. She never remembers us. We socialize with the same neighbors. We live one block away from the McMansion she shares with Kevin Federline. Even her children have trick-or-treated at our house (and loved our decor, by the way). And she doesn't remember us at all? Not even a hint of facial recognition?
In my book, this is all-around, rude party behavior. Britney is one of the leaders of the group that organized the Party in the Park. A good leader/hostess makes all guests feel welcomed. Jeff and I should have felt like we were on the set of the Mickey Mouse Club, cheerfully greeted by fresh faces and promised a great time for the next thirty minutes.
Yes, Britney started off on the right foot by coming up to us and beginning conversation. However, her faux pas was in not reading our name tags or trying to use her memory and think whether she recognized the couple whom she was greeting at her party. And to use the phrase, "And you are?" is the ultimate in off-putting statements. It says, "I don't know you, and I am pretty sure that I know everyone, and if I don't know you, then what are you doing at my party?" Such a good-will destroyer.
B-Reader, although you are already a world-class, proper party host/hostess, some of us need gentle reminders of etiquette. Yesterday's experience will make a better host of Jeff and hostess of me the next time that we throw a Chalkley Partey. For sure!
Please allow me a moment to vent to you, as you are such a good listener/reader.
As you know, Jeff and I try to do our part to support our local community. I am on our neighborhood's civic club board. Jeff is on our South Braeswood community's social committee. We both attend neighborhood get-togethers, town hall meetings, etc. We are not hard to miss in our little part of Houston. If you have ever been to our house around the holidays, then you know that we are the ones with the over-the-top decorations for the holidays (Halloween, Christmas, etc.). You can spot the Chalkley's from outer space! OK, you get it.
Yesterday afternoon, Jeff and I attended our community's first Party in the Park in support the renewal of Linkwood Park, our community's public park. A woman, let's call her Britney to protect her Not That Innocent-cence, approached us during this function. What follows is our conversation:
B: "Hello, I'm Britney Spears. And you are?"
[Jeff and Katherine shoot each other confused looks. Jeff brings his right hand up to his chest, double-pats to make certain that his name tag had not fallen onto the playground's sand floor.]
J: "Jeff and Katherine Chalkley."
B: "Oh, nice to meet you both. Do you live in the area?"
[Jeff and Katherine do a double-take. Katherine grits her teeth, thinking to herself, "Does Britney Spears have paparazzi-induced amnesia again?!"]
K: "Yes, we live in Linkwood at 123 Main Street."
B [In the Valley Girl tone of voice]: "Oh, so yours is the house with all the...decorations?"
K [Hesitantly]: "Yyyes."
B [Blandly]: "Oh. OK. Thanks for coming to the party."
Jeff and I have formally met Britney three times in the past six-months at three other community events. She never remembers us. We socialize with the same neighbors. We live one block away from the McMansion she shares with Kevin Federline. Even her children have trick-or-treated at our house (and loved our decor, by the way). And she doesn't remember us at all? Not even a hint of facial recognition?
In my book, this is all-around, rude party behavior. Britney is one of the leaders of the group that organized the Party in the Park. A good leader/hostess makes all guests feel welcomed. Jeff and I should have felt like we were on the set of the Mickey Mouse Club, cheerfully greeted by fresh faces and promised a great time for the next thirty minutes.
Yes, Britney started off on the right foot by coming up to us and beginning conversation. However, her faux pas was in not reading our name tags or trying to use her memory and think whether she recognized the couple whom she was greeting at her party. And to use the phrase, "And you are?" is the ultimate in off-putting statements. It says, "I don't know you, and I am pretty sure that I know everyone, and if I don't know you, then what are you doing at my party?" Such a good-will destroyer.
B-Reader, although you are already a world-class, proper party host/hostess, some of us need gentle reminders of etiquette. Yesterday's experience will make a better host of Jeff and hostess of me the next time that we throw a Chalkley Partey. For sure!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
What's black and white and read all over?
Dear B-Reader,
I've made headlines...on page four to be precise. The neighborhood edition of the Sunday Houston Chronicle has featured yours truly in the Real Estate section. Thanks to Helene Achanzar for contacting me out of the blue for my opinion on the state of the market. Read on, B-Reader, for the entire write-up.
A: I would say people are more hesitant to put their homes on the market. Prospective sellers are reluctant to sell because they see other properties stay on the market for a long time, and we're having a hard time finding buyers for the homes that are already on the market.
I've made headlines...on page four to be precise. The neighborhood edition of the Sunday Houston Chronicle has featured yours truly in the Real Estate section. Thanks to Helene Achanzar for contacting me out of the blue for my opinion on the state of the market. Read on, B-Reader, for the entire write-up.
Houston Chronicle – Real Estate Section of Bellaire/River Oaks/West U Neighborhood Edition
Sunday, October 17, 2010
“Sound Off” by Helene Achanzar
Q. Would you say people have been less afraid to put their homes on the market in the past six months than during the same six months in 2009?
A: I would say people are more hesitant to put their homes on the market. Prospective sellers are reluctant to sell because they see other properties stay on the market for a long time, and we're having a hard time finding buyers for the homes that are already on the market.
Buyers are unsure of the decisions Congress will make about taxes next year. Some of my clients entered the buying market months ago and have recently decided to wait until next year because of the federal tax issues. They're uncertain about what will happen with the economy and their job stability. Some first-time home buyers are leasing their homes now, and they consider how property taxes and home insurance will increase their debt load if they stop leasing.
Katherine Chalkley, Hunter Real Estate Group, West University
Thursday, September 30, 2010
It's Good to be a Follower
Dear B-Reader,
Alas, we've reached the final chapter in our brief social networking primer.
Think back to your childhood. Your parents, teachers, and other leader-type persons berated your little child-self whenever you followed someone, didn't they. They said something like, "If Johnny jumped off a cliff, would you?" The answer in social networking is a resounding "YES!"
In online life, mimic what others do. As in real life, don't do anything stupid or morally questionable just because someone else is doing it. Copy what seems good and what seems to work for others.
But how will you know what works unless you actually observe these others? In order to interact with others and learn from their experiences, you must be a member of their social networking page. Think of it as a clique or group. Your inner teenager wants to be in the in-crowd. Here's your chance to give in and to do it.
When you find a social networking profile that you enjoy reading, Like, Follow, Follow, Connect with it (Facebook, Twitter, Blog, LinkedIn). Let that person/profile know that you are waiting to see what else they will post. Let them know you care. Don't be scared to let your true colors shine through. Just because you follow profile sites does not imply that you endorse what they have to say. Following simply indicates that you are interested in knowing what they have to say.
Let's practice now. On my Chalkaholic blog site, there is a box, the Following Box, at the top right corner with a pictorial of my followers. These are the persons who choose to publicly follow this blog. They receive notifications when there is a new posting. They can comment on my posts and comment to each other. I can see if they, too, have blogs, and then I can follow theirs. Remember, it's a community.
Now, click the Follow button. It will ask whether you'd like to follow publicly or privately. It's your choice, B-Reader. Either way is A-OK with me. We can be secret friends if you are too shy to let the online world know that you are a Chalkaholic.
P.S., If you have a blog that you'd like me to follow, B-Reader, then by all means, please let me know.
Alas, we've reached the final chapter in our brief social networking primer.
Think back to your childhood. Your parents, teachers, and other leader-type persons berated your little child-self whenever you followed someone, didn't they. They said something like, "If Johnny jumped off a cliff, would you?" The answer in social networking is a resounding "YES!"
In online life, mimic what others do. As in real life, don't do anything stupid or morally questionable just because someone else is doing it. Copy what seems good and what seems to work for others.
But how will you know what works unless you actually observe these others? In order to interact with others and learn from their experiences, you must be a member of their social networking page. Think of it as a clique or group. Your inner teenager wants to be in the in-crowd. Here's your chance to give in and to do it.
When you find a social networking profile that you enjoy reading, Like, Follow, Follow, Connect with it (Facebook, Twitter, Blog, LinkedIn). Let that person/profile know that you are waiting to see what else they will post. Let them know you care. Don't be scared to let your true colors shine through. Just because you follow profile sites does not imply that you endorse what they have to say. Following simply indicates that you are interested in knowing what they have to say.
Let's practice now. On my Chalkaholic blog site, there is a box, the Following Box, at the top right corner with a pictorial of my followers. These are the persons who choose to publicly follow this blog. They receive notifications when there is a new posting. They can comment on my posts and comment to each other. I can see if they, too, have blogs, and then I can follow theirs. Remember, it's a community.
Now, click the Follow button. It will ask whether you'd like to follow publicly or privately. It's your choice, B-Reader. Either way is A-OK with me. We can be secret friends if you are too shy to let the online world know that you are a Chalkaholic.
P.S., If you have a blog that you'd like me to follow, B-Reader, then by all means, please let me know.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
It's All About Who Knows You
Dear B-Reader,
Take Twitter. Twitter is intended to be short tweets (messages) of no more than 140 characters in length. These are similar to texts. Who is totally into texting these days? You bet, B-Reader, it's the teenager next door (or maybe the one living under your roof and monopolizing your cell phone plan). The audience for Twitter is the college student age and under. Make your tweets speak to this group...keep them interesting and less adult-ish in content.
Want to reach a slightly more educated audience? Try LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a professional networking website where users post their resumes online and link (network) with other professionals. As you connect (befriend) with more and more users, you increase your professional network exponentially through indirect connections. One great feature of LinkedIn is the referral capability. I can refer you to a great veterinarian through the click of a button (and of course, I'd refer you to Jeff Chalkley, DVM). So, who uses LinkedIn? Professionals, which would be anyone employed or self-employed who is over college age and below retiree age. Want to send messages to this group? Fine, but keep it professional and very business-related.
How about Facebook? These days, it appears everyone and their mama has a Facebook page. This is the most popular social networking site for women in the baby boomer generation. Take my mother for example, she is on Facebook daily, and she has reconnected with many old friends, made new friends, and keep tabs on her kids and...bonus...see photos of their latest activities. Many new grandmothers simply love the photo feature, and this is exactly what draws them into using this particular form of social networking. Want to reach this wise and nurturing group? You can if you write your posts using smart, cultured language and include pretty pictures. Seriously, a picture speaks a thousand words.
Most important to all of these social networking avenues is their original intent: to network. Don't forget that you are a part of a community. The people who follow, connect to, or fan/like you on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook (respectively) want to interact with you. Nobody enjoys a one-sided conversation. Dive in, join the chatter, and have fun with it.
With any marketing that you do in business, you want to address your message to the audience you are trying to reach. Try telling kindergartners your last business presentation and see how long they stay interested...tweak your message and bring it down to their level using Elmo or Dora as a mouthpiece, and bada-bing, you have captivated their attention. Same holds true online in social networking outlets. You must format your social networking messages to the audience who will be reading your postings.
Want to reach a slightly more educated audience? Try LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a professional networking website where users post their resumes online and link (network) with other professionals. As you connect (befriend) with more and more users, you increase your professional network exponentially through indirect connections. One great feature of LinkedIn is the referral capability. I can refer you to a great veterinarian through the click of a button (and of course, I'd refer you to Jeff Chalkley, DVM). So, who uses LinkedIn? Professionals, which would be anyone employed or self-employed who is over college age and below retiree age. Want to send messages to this group? Fine, but keep it professional and very business-related.
How about Facebook? These days, it appears everyone and their mama has a Facebook page. This is the most popular social networking site for women in the baby boomer generation. Take my mother for example, she is on Facebook daily, and she has reconnected with many old friends, made new friends, and keep tabs on her kids and...bonus...see photos of their latest activities. Many new grandmothers simply love the photo feature, and this is exactly what draws them into using this particular form of social networking. Want to reach this wise and nurturing group? You can if you write your posts using smart, cultured language and include pretty pictures. Seriously, a picture speaks a thousand words.
Most important to all of these social networking avenues is their original intent: to network. Don't forget that you are a part of a community. The people who follow, connect to, or fan/like you on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook (respectively) want to interact with you. Nobody enjoys a one-sided conversation. Dive in, join the chatter, and have fun with it.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Networking in Modern Style
Dear B-Reader,
This weekend I attended an inspiring conference in Cow Town (AKA Fort Worth, TX). Although the conference was for the veterinary profession (as you know, B-Reader, my better half is a vet), many of the practice management and communication continuing education meetings were right up my alley. I learned so many things that I was excited to start the week and put these new concepts into practice for my real estate business.
Dr. Jim Humphries of the Veterinary News Network presented a dynamite lecture on social networking. Summary statement: if you're in business today, and if you want to continue to be in business next year, then you MUST get on the social networking bandwagon.
Many professionals are reluctant to use social networking for business marketing, but let me tell you, my B-Reader friend, these networking sites are the best type of marketing -- word of mouth recommendations from people who know you! And free!
Check out my social networking business pages for a little inspiration (granted, I am a novice, not an expert, but if I can do it, you can do it, too!).
Facebook: ChalkleyREALTOR
Blog (um, you're already here):
The key with all of these networking sites is to have the information that you post refer back to your business website, which for me is
Tomorrow, I will share details with you about another topic from this excellent conference. Be certain to check-in.
This weekend I attended an inspiring conference in Cow Town (AKA Fort Worth, TX). Although the conference was for the veterinary profession (as you know, B-Reader, my better half is a vet), many of the practice management and communication continuing education meetings were right up my alley. I learned so many things that I was excited to start the week and put these new concepts into practice for my real estate business.
Dr. Jim Humphries of the Veterinary News Network presented a dynamite lecture on social networking. Summary statement: if you're in business today, and if you want to continue to be in business next year, then you MUST get on the social networking bandwagon.
Many professionals are reluctant to use social networking for business marketing, but let me tell you, my B-Reader friend, these networking sites are the best type of marketing -- word of mouth recommendations from people who know you! And free!
Check out my social networking business pages for a little inspiration (granted, I am a novice, not an expert, but if I can do it, you can do it, too!).
Facebook: ChalkleyREALTOR
Blog (um, you're already here):
The key with all of these networking sites is to have the information that you post refer back to your business website, which for me is
Tomorrow, I will share details with you about another topic from this excellent conference. Be certain to check-in.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Heads Up Seven Up
Dear B-Reader,
Recently, I attended a hip soiree at one of my neighbor's homes. When Jeff and I walked into the kitchen, we were immediately questioned about a phenomenon that was puzzling the other guests. What was up with the water carafe? Why were the lemons floating and the limes sinking in the water? See photos below if you don't believe me...

Jeff had no response. I took one look and immediately gave my two cents (because they asked for it), "The lemons are coated with a wax to give them the luster that the grocers believe that the consumers want. Limes do not need to be as bright and beautiful as lemons in order to be purchased because they are green and green things don't traditionally have sheen, so they are not coated with this waxy film. Wax floats, and therefore, the lemons coated in wax float. Unwaxed citrus sinks." And can you believe it, B-Reader, the crowd bought it! They said it was the best explanation that they had heard all night long!
Well, I have been trained as a researcher by some of the brightest professors at Texas A&M University. The nerd in me could not just walk away from this scientific wonderment without doing my due-diligence to determine if, indeed, my hypothesis was plausible. So, what did I do? Googled it, of course!
If consensus on the internet is any indicator of the truth of this citrusy conundrum, then it is Density! The density of water is 1.00. Limes are slightly more dense than water. Lemons and H2o are roughly the same density as one another. Therefore, limes sink and lemons float in water.
I don't enjoy being proved wrong. But I will accept it this time because it brings about good memories of a lovelorn nerd, George McFly from Back to the Future (1985), "I'm George. George McFly. I'm your density. I mean...your destiny." Love ya' George.
Recently, I attended a hip soiree at one of my neighbor's homes. When Jeff and I walked into the kitchen, we were immediately questioned about a phenomenon that was puzzling the other guests. What was up with the water carafe? Why were the lemons floating and the limes sinking in the water? See photos below if you don't believe me...
Jeff had no response. I took one look and immediately gave my two cents (because they asked for it), "The lemons are coated with a wax to give them the luster that the grocers believe that the consumers want. Limes do not need to be as bright and beautiful as lemons in order to be purchased because they are green and green things don't traditionally have sheen, so they are not coated with this waxy film. Wax floats, and therefore, the lemons coated in wax float. Unwaxed citrus sinks." And can you believe it, B-Reader, the crowd bought it! They said it was the best explanation that they had heard all night long!
Well, I have been trained as a researcher by some of the brightest professors at Texas A&M University. The nerd in me could not just walk away from this scientific wonderment without doing my due-diligence to determine if, indeed, my hypothesis was plausible. So, what did I do? Googled it, of course!
If consensus on the internet is any indicator of the truth of this citrusy conundrum, then it is Density! The density of water is 1.00. Limes are slightly more dense than water. Lemons and H2o are roughly the same density as one another. Therefore, limes sink and lemons float in water.
I don't enjoy being proved wrong. But I will accept it this time because it brings about good memories of a lovelorn nerd, George McFly from Back to the Future (1985), "I'm George. George McFly. I'm your density. I mean...your destiny." Love ya' George.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
For Rent
Dear B-Reader,
For those of you tracking my real estate career, you will be pleased to know that despite the negativity in the news regarding my industry, I am doing A-OK in my business. Thanks to some wonderfully loyal clients and a great broker office.
Although qualified buyers are harder to come by these days than in previous years, tenants are on the rise. This summer, I averaged one completed lease transaction a week. Pretty good stats in this real estate gun-shy economy. Some leases are for individually-owned properties, such as single-family homes in a residential neighborhood. Others are for apartment and condos owned by large companies. Yes, contrary to the common practice of REALTORS, I actually do apartment leasing.
This last week, I showed some excellent for lease properties, ones that I, myself, would absolutely love to live in right now. One place has guest suites for out-of-town visitors to stay on the property but not necessarily stay in your home unit. Genius idea that offers privacy for both the tenant and guests. Several exclusive inner loop properties offer 24-hour concierge service, valet service, maid service, etc. for less than the average monthly mortgage. Brilliant! If only they came with a personal chef, I would be sold!
Tune-in to my real estate fan page on facebook (ChalkleyREALTOR) for updates on the Houston real estate scene and my adventures in the for lease and for sale markets. And if you'd like specific details on a property that I allude to, don't be afraid to ask.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
ET! ET! ET! Be Good!
Dear B-Reader,
True love comes around rarely in one's life. Go ahead and prepare yourself to be jealous. True love has has happened to me twice.
"What?!" is probably what you're screaming at the computer screen right now, if you are related to or know my husband, Jeff. Of course, Jeff is my original true love, my perfect match, my childhood sweetheart, my Paco. Puccini, my eight-year-old companion of the feline persuasion, is my OKB (Original Kitty Baby), my second true love, my ET.
Let's focus on the ET concept for a moment, shall we? You remember Spielberg's '80's classic film featuring the extra-terrestrial, ET, and Elliot (played by Henry Thomas)? They were connected. When ET became drunk on beer, Elliot became inebriated; when ET watched a dramatic love scene in a classic movie, Elliot acted out that scene in biology class with his elementary school crush; when ET was presumed dead, recall Elliot's heartbreaking line, "You must be dead, because I don't know how to feel. I can't feel anything anymore."
Puccini is my ET. We feel what each other feels.
* ET (1982).
Last night, Puccini showed me the most affection he has ever shown a living creature. He has been recovering from a permanent manicure (declaw), and I have been feeling under the weather and seriously stressed ever since his surgery last week. Yesterday evening, Puccini crawled up onto my lap, nestled into the blanket, and slept on me for an entire two-and-a-half hours. It was so comfortable that the two of us fell into a deep sleep. He needed this one-one relaxation and recharge time just as desperately as I. He knows me, and I know him. My true love. My ET. My Puccini.
* Chalkaholic and Puccini (2010).
Oh, and just because he's my ET does not mean that Puccini and I make any promises to "Be good." You know, ET said that line to Gertie, not Elliot, so the expectation is not that I, Kathy, be good, but rather, that someone else, perhaps you, B-Reader, be good.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
I Heart Concrete!
Dear B-Reader,
You might not know this about me, but I love improving my local community, especially my neighborhood, Linkwood. Currently, I sit on the board of our neighborhood civic club, and am the liaison between the board and the beautification committee. Lots of work. Lots of rewards.
If you, B-Reader, live or work in Houston, you are going to be delighted with the news that I share below from the town hall meeting I attended this week. Please read on to be totally thrilled!
South Braeswood Boulevard from Stella Link to Kirby Drive is going to be completely reconstructed! Finally! This is a well-traveled road by many Houstonians and visitors to the Medical Center, Reliant Stadium, and the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. It is also the major street that forms the northern border of my neighborhood.
The project will begin in just a few days, on September 7, 2010, and is scheduled to end by January 15, 2012. It is a $5.5million dollar undertaking by the City of Houston. Long has been over 50 years since South Braeswood has been completely repaired!
A few fun facts about the project:
- 1,000 truck loads of supplies
- 1,300 truck loads of concrete
- 171 trees to replanted (150 gallon size, 15 feet in height)
- 500 day project divided into seven phases
I am so excited that I can barely type straight...or maybe I'm reliving the bumps on the street from my drive home...
Thursday, August 19, 2010
New Toy, it's Christmas in August
Dear B-Reader,
I am pleased to announce that I am one of the first Houston Realtors(r) to have the latest electronic device for opening Supra lock boxes on the homes that we show. The Houston Association of Realtors released, yesterday evening, the first ever key fob for the iPhone. Of course, yours truly set-out today to purchase my very own copy.
See, B-Reader, I NEED this new toy. Not only does it appease my need for electronic gadgets, it satisfies my inner urge to be the best and provide the best service to my clients.
My previous Supra key was a totally boring, run-of-the-mill, cumbersome umbilical cord. I would have to plug the key, a 3inches-by-4inches device, into a power adapter to charge every day. Like many 1990 model power adapters, it was bulky and took up the space of more than two outlets. The surge protector that I would plug the power adapter into, and then plug the key into, was located on the floor of my office, next to my desk. It was out-of-sight, out-of-mind.
Now, you know me, B-Reader, I am totally on the ball. Some might call me a perfectionist. Others might refer to me as anal. However, I do have a (I will only admit to one at a time) fault: if something is not typed in my Outlook calendar, written down in my notes, or an ingrained part of my normal routine, I will sometimes forget to do it. This situation is exactly what would happen with my old key. I would schedule a real estate showing, charge my key so that it would have all the battery life needed to show multiple houses to my client, print out my buyer's notes and agent notes for each property, program the route into my Garmin, confirm appointments, and hop into my little VW Bug Convertible. And forget the key! I am embarrassed to admit to you that twice I have made it all the way to the first property on my showing list, met the client, walked to the door, and realized then and there that I had no key.
Never again, my friend! My key is my iPhone. Trust me, I won't leave work or home without it.
I am pleased to announce that I am one of the first Houston Realtors(r) to have the latest electronic device for opening Supra lock boxes on the homes that we show. The Houston Association of Realtors released, yesterday evening, the first ever key fob for the iPhone. Of course, yours truly set-out today to purchase my very own copy.
See, B-Reader, I NEED this new toy. Not only does it appease my need for electronic gadgets, it satisfies my inner urge to be the best and provide the best service to my clients.
My previous Supra key was a totally boring, run-of-the-mill, cumbersome umbilical cord. I would have to plug the key, a 3inches-by-4inches device, into a power adapter to charge every day. Like many 1990 model power adapters, it was bulky and took up the space of more than two outlets. The surge protector that I would plug the power adapter into, and then plug the key into, was located on the floor of my office, next to my desk. It was out-of-sight, out-of-mind.
Now, you know me, B-Reader, I am totally on the ball. Some might call me a perfectionist. Others might refer to me as anal. However, I do have a (I will only admit to one at a time) fault: if something is not typed in my Outlook calendar, written down in my notes, or an ingrained part of my normal routine, I will sometimes forget to do it. This situation is exactly what would happen with my old key. I would schedule a real estate showing, charge my key so that it would have all the battery life needed to show multiple houses to my client, print out my buyer's notes and agent notes for each property, program the route into my Garmin, confirm appointments, and hop into my little VW Bug Convertible. And forget the key! I am embarrassed to admit to you that twice I have made it all the way to the first property on my showing list, met the client, walked to the door, and realized then and there that I had no key.
Never again, my friend! My key is my iPhone. Trust me, I won't leave work or home without it.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Who Wears Short Shorts?
Dear B-Reader,
I get it. It's hot in Houston right about this time of year. Many of us are sporting shorter outfits in an effort to withstand this intolerable heat. But come on, man! Be a man and wear some properly-fitting pants!
By 12noon today my eyes were severely traumatized by the vision of two separate gentlemen trotting about the 610 Loop area of Houston in improper attire. Below is an account of the crimes committed against humanity.
The first one was witnessed in a prestigious Texas Medical Center professional building. In disgustingly short khaki shorts, Dr. Hot Crossed Buns strutted a purposeful walk that screamed, "I'm a doctor. Get out of my way! I'm late to my 9:00AM tee time." And as if the shorts were not enough to draw negative attention to him, he, a doctor who should know better, was entirely too tan for any human being. Dr. Hot Crossed Buns, I'm betting that you don't have a teenage daughter at home -- because if you did, and if she saw your overly tanned pair of buns in those Daisy Dukes, I am certain she would have demanded that you march upstairs and change into something respectable before leaving the house.
The second crime scene was at an unassuming corner Starbucks in Rice Village nearby my office. On your drive home down Kirby Drive this evening, look out for the chalk print impression of this second fashion victim -- Agent Growth Spurt. Agent Growth Spurt hopped out of his pristine white insurance company car. In a great rush to infuse himself with his caffeine fix, he jogged across the parking lot, long jumped through the drive through lane, and spun into the side door of the java establishment. You would have thought the pavement was coated with a thick blanket of sticky, black tar. It could have been, and he would have been prepared to not get his freshly laundered pants dirty. "Why?" you ask me, B-Reader. Because his khaki chinos were two sizes too short in the length. He reminded me of a little kid whose parents have been unable to make it to the department store between growth spurts. Or maybe he washed the chinos in hot water and dried them out in the afternoon sun? Regardless, Agent Growth Spurt, you are a professional, obviously out and about between professional appointments. You should dress like a professional and not like a 12-year-old boy.
Now, I must end my ranting here. I have a 4:00 Fashion Police Committee Meeting to host. What ever shall I wear?
I get it. It's hot in Houston right about this time of year. Many of us are sporting shorter outfits in an effort to withstand this intolerable heat. But come on, man! Be a man and wear some properly-fitting pants!
By 12noon today my eyes were severely traumatized by the vision of two separate gentlemen trotting about the 610 Loop area of Houston in improper attire. Below is an account of the crimes committed against humanity.
The first one was witnessed in a prestigious Texas Medical Center professional building. In disgustingly short khaki shorts, Dr. Hot Crossed Buns strutted a purposeful walk that screamed, "I'm a doctor. Get out of my way! I'm late to my 9:00AM tee time." And as if the shorts were not enough to draw negative attention to him, he, a doctor who should know better, was entirely too tan for any human being. Dr. Hot Crossed Buns, I'm betting that you don't have a teenage daughter at home -- because if you did, and if she saw your overly tanned pair of buns in those Daisy Dukes, I am certain she would have demanded that you march upstairs and change into something respectable before leaving the house.
The second crime scene was at an unassuming corner Starbucks in Rice Village nearby my office. On your drive home down Kirby Drive this evening, look out for the chalk print impression of this second fashion victim -- Agent Growth Spurt. Agent Growth Spurt hopped out of his pristine white insurance company car. In a great rush to infuse himself with his caffeine fix, he jogged across the parking lot, long jumped through the drive through lane, and spun into the side door of the java establishment. You would have thought the pavement was coated with a thick blanket of sticky, black tar. It could have been, and he would have been prepared to not get his freshly laundered pants dirty. "Why?" you ask me, B-Reader. Because his khaki chinos were two sizes too short in the length. He reminded me of a little kid whose parents have been unable to make it to the department store between growth spurts. Or maybe he washed the chinos in hot water and dried them out in the afternoon sun? Regardless, Agent Growth Spurt, you are a professional, obviously out and about between professional appointments. You should dress like a professional and not like a 12-year-old boy.
Now, I must end my ranting here. I have a 4:00 Fashion Police Committee Meeting to host. What ever shall I wear?
Saturday, August 14, 2010
H-town to G-town, Baby
Dear B-Reader,
Last week, my parents, siblings and their spouses, and Jeff and I vacationed in Houston's southern version of The Hamptons, Galveston Island. OK, OK, it is a stretch to liken Galveston to the posh east coast getaway destination, but isn't what you love about me my ability to embellish?
One of the things I love about Jeff is his ability to sit back and relax in high-style. Nothing too stuffy, just good, clean, simple luxury. A step above the ordinary. And Galveston is the perfect locale for such a good ol' boy meets Renaissance man.
Jeff and I pulled on our polos and starched shorts, sported sunglasses and sun-kissed/aloe slathered faces, and hopped into my VW Beetle Convertible. Top down. Wind blowing. Vampire Weekend blasting through the speakers. Cruising down the Seawall. Parking on the Strand. Looking for the "little seafood-Mexican food place" that L.D.E. recommended.
This place was little. It had seafood. It had Mexican food. But it was so much more than a little seafood-Mexican food place.
Rudy and Paco's. Fifteen tables covered with white linen table cloths, black cloth napkins (my favorite because unlike their white alternative, the black napkins do not leave lint on dark clothing), personal wine lockers lining the walls, art deco vibe. Patrons decked out in the latest casual sports clothing -- the style that says I have taste and class, but I value comfort. Superb waitstaff who each carry one dish, prepare to serve one guest, wait for the other staff to bring the individual meals, then serve all guests at the same table in unison. What a gorgeous culinary production. And the food is to die for delicious. Do yourself a favor and order the daily special tostada.
Oh, and there really is a Paco. He is there, seated at the bar, positioned so that he is able to greet every person patronizing his fine establishment. Paco oozes old school charm, referring to new customers, cute young women, and old friends as "Baby."
Ever since college, for a reason I can't recall, I have called Jeff "Paco" as a pet name. I think now that he has met the real Paco, live and in concert, he has upped his game a bit. Bring it. I just adore a man with that extra something special.
* Yours truly and her Paco in Galveston.
Friday, July 30, 2010
I Smell Bacon!
Dear B-Reader,
This week I've been starring in the leading role of my very own game of Seven Degrees of Kevin Bacon. Cue the music from Footloose, Maestro.
1st degree: Monday, 1:00 PM, Chipotle on Kirby Drive in Rice Village.
I promised Jeff that I would not miss lunch anymore, regardless of how much attention my work demanded of me. So, just before showing nine properties to my Aggie client, I popped into Chipotle for a quick bite to eat and to make good on my word. As I handed my debit card to the cashier, I made eye contact with the man behind the register and realized that I knew him. But from where? I could feel the synapses of my neurons trying to make connections from one to another, placing this face with a time or location or person. Of course, I have no problem saying what's on my mind to someone, so I blurted out, "I know you from somewhere. Did you grow up in this area - go to Westbury High? etc." After a startled look from the young man, and then a quick grin, he answered, "I went to Westbury Baptist Church as a youth." Ah, the final electronic surge leaped from one neuron to another and the connection was made. He is Jason, who dated my sister when they were in middle school. We chatted a bit, and he carried my tray to the table for me. What a gentleman.
2nd degree: Tuesday, 1:30 PM, 4522 W. Alabama in Afton Oaks.
I held an open house during the middle of the week, which is not atypical in real estate. Although most open houses are on Sunday to be convenient for buyers, some open houses are on Tuesdays for the convenience of realtors. Realtors visit other listings to do a preview for current clients or to gain a better understanding of the market. Sometimes a buyer or two will drop-in to a mid-week open house, if you're lucky. At this open house, a woman walked in and introduced herself as "Kathleen." This time the neurons were already primed from the previous day's meeting, and they immediately placed her as my sister's friend who is also a realtor. Viola! The mind is such a wondrous organ. Kathleen and I had a nice chat about my sister's new home (which you may follow on the Pasche Project blog below, if you need more reading, B-Reader) and about the current real estate market in Houston. Such easy networking!
3rd degree: Friday, 12:00 Noon, Doctor's Office in Texas Medical Center.
B-Reader, sometimes going to the doctor's can be the pits. Not for me, though. I am so lucky to have two great doctors who take excellent care of me and employ the most supportive staff in the world's largest medical center. Today was no exception to my luck in medical settings. As I was sitting at the doctor's office, a lovely older woman sat down in the chair beside me. I was absorbed in my latest read on my Nook, Elizabeth George's Missing Joseph. The lady asked me about what I was reading, and we began exchanging authors and titles, of course, they were all about murder and mystery. We quickly moved onto our favorite television shows, and wouldn't you know it?--she loves the same programs that I love! Glee, Royal Pains, Burn Notice, and of course, The Closer. You should have witnessed the power of this woman's mind as she recalled actor's names, the breadth of their work, and even program times and channels. This woman's synapses are in pristine shape! We continued chatting about this and that, then realized that she lives in my old stomping grounds. We discussed Westbury High School, which led to a discussion about Jeff, which led to talking about the clinic where he practices. And then she told me, B-Reader, that she is a client of Westbury Animal Hospital. She brought her first dog to Dr. Johnston many years ago when Dr. J was a small pup himself (her words). As the nurse called my name, I handed my new friend, Beverly, my card, and she asked if she could look up Jeff the next time she is at the clinic with now puppy number five. "Of course!" I exclaimed, and gave her my card. As I closed my business card case, I couldn't help but wonder, "Is this my Ghost of Christmas in July Future? I wouldn't mind."
My mother always told me to be on my best behavior whenever I was out and about because "you never know who you might run into" (and she would continue with "who knows your mother.). I like Mr. Walt Disney's take on this concept: "It's a small world after all."

* Walt Disney in front of original model of It's a Small World ride.
This week I've been starring in the leading role of my very own game of Seven Degrees of Kevin Bacon. Cue the music from Footloose, Maestro.
1st degree: Monday, 1:00 PM, Chipotle on Kirby Drive in Rice Village.
I promised Jeff that I would not miss lunch anymore, regardless of how much attention my work demanded of me. So, just before showing nine properties to my Aggie client, I popped into Chipotle for a quick bite to eat and to make good on my word. As I handed my debit card to the cashier, I made eye contact with the man behind the register and realized that I knew him. But from where? I could feel the synapses of my neurons trying to make connections from one to another, placing this face with a time or location or person. Of course, I have no problem saying what's on my mind to someone, so I blurted out, "I know you from somewhere. Did you grow up in this area - go to Westbury High? etc." After a startled look from the young man, and then a quick grin, he answered, "I went to Westbury Baptist Church as a youth." Ah, the final electronic surge leaped from one neuron to another and the connection was made. He is Jason, who dated my sister when they were in middle school. We chatted a bit, and he carried my tray to the table for me. What a gentleman.
2nd degree: Tuesday, 1:30 PM, 4522 W. Alabama in Afton Oaks.
I held an open house during the middle of the week, which is not atypical in real estate. Although most open houses are on Sunday to be convenient for buyers, some open houses are on Tuesdays for the convenience of realtors. Realtors visit other listings to do a preview for current clients or to gain a better understanding of the market. Sometimes a buyer or two will drop-in to a mid-week open house, if you're lucky. At this open house, a woman walked in and introduced herself as "Kathleen." This time the neurons were already primed from the previous day's meeting, and they immediately placed her as my sister's friend who is also a realtor. Viola! The mind is such a wondrous organ. Kathleen and I had a nice chat about my sister's new home (which you may follow on the Pasche Project blog below, if you need more reading, B-Reader) and about the current real estate market in Houston. Such easy networking!
3rd degree: Friday, 12:00 Noon, Doctor's Office in Texas Medical Center.
B-Reader, sometimes going to the doctor's can be the pits. Not for me, though. I am so lucky to have two great doctors who take excellent care of me and employ the most supportive staff in the world's largest medical center. Today was no exception to my luck in medical settings. As I was sitting at the doctor's office, a lovely older woman sat down in the chair beside me. I was absorbed in my latest read on my Nook, Elizabeth George's Missing Joseph. The lady asked me about what I was reading, and we began exchanging authors and titles, of course, they were all about murder and mystery. We quickly moved onto our favorite television shows, and wouldn't you know it?--she loves the same programs that I love! Glee, Royal Pains, Burn Notice, and of course, The Closer. You should have witnessed the power of this woman's mind as she recalled actor's names, the breadth of their work, and even program times and channels. This woman's synapses are in pristine shape! We continued chatting about this and that, then realized that she lives in my old stomping grounds. We discussed Westbury High School, which led to a discussion about Jeff, which led to talking about the clinic where he practices. And then she told me, B-Reader, that she is a client of Westbury Animal Hospital. She brought her first dog to Dr. Johnston many years ago when Dr. J was a small pup himself (her words). As the nurse called my name, I handed my new friend, Beverly, my card, and she asked if she could look up Jeff the next time she is at the clinic with now puppy number five. "Of course!" I exclaimed, and gave her my card. As I closed my business card case, I couldn't help but wonder, "Is this my Ghost of Christmas in July Future? I wouldn't mind."
My mother always told me to be on my best behavior whenever I was out and about because "you never know who you might run into" (and she would continue with "who knows your mother.). I like Mr. Walt Disney's take on this concept: "It's a small world after all."

* Walt Disney in front of original model of It's a Small World ride.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Weekend at Mashleys
Dear B-Reader,
Whew! What a whirlwind of a weekend and start to the week! It's been great but hectic.
Saturday evening at the Mashley residence (Matt, my brother, and Ashley, his wife and my sister-in-law) was hilarious as is usual whenever my family gets together. Let me just make a public health announcement: if you are at all suffering from the summertime blues, then you must check out the YouTube video "Double Rainbow" and "AutoTune News Double Rainbow." I promise you will be crying tears of joy and smearing your mascara just like I did.
Back to the Mashleys, well, really, the glue of the Mashleys, who is Ashley. Ashley is never one to sit back and do nothing. Saturday was no different. After playing hostess to our immediate family and our out-of-town Kelly Waltons extended family, she began prepping for her next hostessing gig. On Sunday afternoon, her home would become pregnant party central. That's right, a baby shower.
B-Reader, if you know anything about me, let it be this. I love babies and children when they are well-behaved, they let me spoil them without tattle-telling to Mommy, and they go home with their parents at the end of the day. I'm not Mommy material at this point in my life. However, I'd make a great Aunt Katherine, not Great Aunt Katherine. Anyways, my friends have all started to respond favorably to their biological clocks, whereas I have been able to hit snooze for a while longer. I don't keep up with baby trends and refuse to read the Parenting magazine at the dentist office. I am uninformed when it comes to babies...and Saturday was a reality check.
I wiped away the glaze of saltwater and makeup from my eyes, post "Double Rainbow" cleansing, and looked toward the kitchen where Ashley was hustling and bustling. She was surrounded by pink and ribbon and popcorn? I get pink, I get ribbon, but I don't get popcorn for a baby shower. She educated me that the latest baby shower theme is "Pop." Ouch! That sounds worse than ripping a day-old bandaid off of my unshaven legs. Hit snooze on the baby clock for another five years minimum.

* See, I am not joking.

Whew! What a whirlwind of a weekend and start to the week! It's been great but hectic.
Saturday evening at the Mashley residence (Matt, my brother, and Ashley, his wife and my sister-in-law) was hilarious as is usual whenever my family gets together. Let me just make a public health announcement: if you are at all suffering from the summertime blues, then you must check out the YouTube video "Double Rainbow" and "AutoTune News Double Rainbow." I promise you will be crying tears of joy and smearing your mascara just like I did.
Back to the Mashleys, well, really, the glue of the Mashleys, who is Ashley. Ashley is never one to sit back and do nothing. Saturday was no different. After playing hostess to our immediate family and our out-of-town Kelly Waltons extended family, she began prepping for her next hostessing gig. On Sunday afternoon, her home would become pregnant party central. That's right, a baby shower.
B-Reader, if you know anything about me, let it be this. I love babies and children when they are well-behaved, they let me spoil them without tattle-telling to Mommy, and they go home with their parents at the end of the day. I'm not Mommy material at this point in my life. However, I'd make a great Aunt Katherine, not Great Aunt Katherine. Anyways, my friends have all started to respond favorably to their biological clocks, whereas I have been able to hit snooze for a while longer. I don't keep up with baby trends and refuse to read the Parenting magazine at the dentist office. I am uninformed when it comes to babies...and Saturday was a reality check.
I wiped away the glaze of saltwater and makeup from my eyes, post "Double Rainbow" cleansing, and looked toward the kitchen where Ashley was hustling and bustling. She was surrounded by pink and ribbon and popcorn? I get pink, I get ribbon, but I don't get popcorn for a baby shower. She educated me that the latest baby shower theme is "Pop." Ouch! That sounds worse than ripping a day-old bandaid off of my unshaven legs. Hit snooze on the baby clock for another five years minimum.
* See, I am not joking.
* Cute hostess Ashley popping into her role as hostess. Our little Martha Stewart.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
I Smelled a Corpse Today!
Dear B-Reader,
Have you ever smelled a corpse flower? No, not a corpse. No, not a flower. Yes, a corpse flower.
Jeff and I have sniffed Lois, the blooming corpse flower on view right now at the Houston Museum of Natural Science. Her odor is slightly fishy, but not too terribly bad...for now. The scent is anticipated to be stronger when she is in full-bloom.
When might we expect her to be in full-bloom? Well, the resident anthropologist at HMNS has let us know that it could be anywhere between midnight tonight and 5:00 PM tomorrow. Every corpse flower is unique, and each one blooms at its own schedule. Lois might remain opened for several days if not a week.
She is an incredibly gorgeous specimen. Blonde-green outer color to her long petals which curl at the tips. Very dark, almost black color to the interior of her petals. She is tall, towering at six feet. She would give any super model a run for her money! Look out, Heidi Klum. Oh, and did I mention that she has accomplished national recognition at the tender age of six years-old?
B-Reader, I hope that you will make the pilgrimage to the Cockrell Butterfly Center at the Houston Museum of Natural Science to see this one-of-a-kind Amazon goddess with your own eyes. Due to the unpredictable nature of her coming into full-bloom, the Center will be opened around-the-clock to give everyone the opportunity to see Lois. Can't make it in person?--that's no excuse with the webcam generously provided by Rice University.
You grow, girl!
*To learn more about Lois and to watch her live via webcam,
click on the "Lois' blog" link at the bottom of my blog site.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Hello, Operator?
Dear B-Reader,
Off to a late start this morning due to technical difficulties. The good news is that my home AT&T U-Verse system is functioning properly once again. Jeff and I are on our third, yes third, modem since beginning U-Verse service one year ago. Incredible! One would think we use them as soccer balls or something...
While waiting for the repairperson to arrive, install, and test the system, I was able to do a little housekeeping using my iPhone's 3G service. It's a wonderful tool for quickly reading something on the internet, responding in short bits, and sometimes making a phone call.
"A what?" you ask me, B-Reader. A p-h-o-n-e c-a-l-l. I, too, have become so accustomed to typing texts or emails that I had to remind myself about the older system of actually talking to someone. I tried it out this morning, with great success. It took me less time to call my friend about tonight's get together than to text her about it. Plus, I was able to find out important information (about dessert, of course) that I probably would have missed had I texted instead of called.
Mulling over my conversation, it struck me that the use of the cell phone for its original purpose, the phone call, is quickly becoming an obsolete mode of communication. It just is not right!
Raise your hand if you don't remember the sound of your friend's voice (you know, the one who moved to a distant land called Austin)?
Raise your hand if you are tired of long trails of typed messages that just confuse the situation because you don't know whether the sender was joking or being serious with that last line of text?
Raise your hand if you are ready for a change.
Today begins my campaign, Call B4 Type. In short, my platform is about adding more to the conversation. By calling someone, you speak with that someone, hear their voice, let them hear yours, pick up on key intonations and pauses that are oh so necessary for humans to understand the true meaning of language. I'm not asking you, B-Reader, to never type again. What I am asking is that you pause for a moment and determine whether you could get your message across just as easily or more easily by calling instead of typing. Of course, after making that initial phone call, feel free to exchange follow-up conversations with texts or emails.
Please excuse me, my phone is ringing and I simply must answer it. Viva Call B4 Type!
Off to a late start this morning due to technical difficulties. The good news is that my home AT&T U-Verse system is functioning properly once again. Jeff and I are on our third, yes third, modem since beginning U-Verse service one year ago. Incredible! One would think we use them as soccer balls or something...
While waiting for the repairperson to arrive, install, and test the system, I was able to do a little housekeeping using my iPhone's 3G service. It's a wonderful tool for quickly reading something on the internet, responding in short bits, and sometimes making a phone call.
"A what?" you ask me, B-Reader. A p-h-o-n-e c-a-l-l. I, too, have become so accustomed to typing texts or emails that I had to remind myself about the older system of actually talking to someone. I tried it out this morning, with great success. It took me less time to call my friend about tonight's get together than to text her about it. Plus, I was able to find out important information (about dessert, of course) that I probably would have missed had I texted instead of called.
Mulling over my conversation, it struck me that the use of the cell phone for its original purpose, the phone call, is quickly becoming an obsolete mode of communication. It just is not right!
Raise your hand if you don't remember the sound of your friend's voice (you know, the one who moved to a distant land called Austin)?
Raise your hand if you are tired of long trails of typed messages that just confuse the situation because you don't know whether the sender was joking or being serious with that last line of text?
Raise your hand if you are ready for a change.
Today begins my campaign, Call B4 Type. In short, my platform is about adding more to the conversation. By calling someone, you speak with that someone, hear their voice, let them hear yours, pick up on key intonations and pauses that are oh so necessary for humans to understand the true meaning of language. I'm not asking you, B-Reader, to never type again. What I am asking is that you pause for a moment and determine whether you could get your message across just as easily or more easily by calling instead of typing. Of course, after making that initial phone call, feel free to exchange follow-up conversations with texts or emails.
Please excuse me, my phone is ringing and I simply must answer it. Viva Call B4 Type!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Katherine Marple
Dear B-Reader,
The gale that blew through H-town this past weekend took with it my home's AT&T UVerse connection. No internet. No cable. No problem. Jeff dusted off our DVD collection, and we sat back last night to a feature presentation of one of our absolute favorites, Mario Puzo's The Godfather. Epic, tragic, and full of what I crave in a good plot -- murder.
Not your first impression of me, eh, B-Reader? Consider me the preppy version of Agatha Christie's Jane Marple. Whereas Jane knits, I compost; whereas Jane rides the trolley, I drive a VW beetle convertible; whereas Jane sips tea, I savor cappuccino. Now really, dear, don't you agree that there is nothing better than a good, old fashioned, vengeful murder in the summertime? Jane does.
Which brings me to my newest fixation -- the Nook by Barnes and Noble. Don't start putting words into my fingers, B-Reader. I'm not the picture of an avid reader. I leave that role to my sister, brother, well, the whole bloodline (I wonder if Mr. Dewey Decimal System is a distant relative?). In fact, I am the metaphorical black sheep of the family when it comes to being a book worm. No slithering around in dusty old books for this prep.
But, what I do love is a great gadget. Clean lines, simplicity, and multifunctional -- those are features that will engage me.
With the Nook, I'm able to read a bit of book A, with the built-in e-dictionary quickly highlight and define a bloody British word that's been driving me barmy, surf the internet, return to reading book A until the suspense is too much to handle, pre-order the next book in the series and save it to my library, read a bit of book B before determining to dive back into finish the murder scene of book A. I can do all of this before you can say Bob's your uncle! Blimey! Oh, and later in the day when my eyes are just too tired to read fine print without squinting and risking premature crows feet, I can increase the font size to extra-extra large! Brilliant!
Speaking of the Nook, I really should stop typing on the blog and get back to my read. Murders don't solve themselves, you know.

* See the resemblance?
The gale that blew through H-town this past weekend took with it my home's AT&T UVerse connection. No internet. No cable. No problem. Jeff dusted off our DVD collection, and we sat back last night to a feature presentation of one of our absolute favorites, Mario Puzo's The Godfather. Epic, tragic, and full of what I crave in a good plot -- murder.
Not your first impression of me, eh, B-Reader? Consider me the preppy version of Agatha Christie's Jane Marple. Whereas Jane knits, I compost; whereas Jane rides the trolley, I drive a VW beetle convertible; whereas Jane sips tea, I savor cappuccino. Now really, dear, don't you agree that there is nothing better than a good, old fashioned, vengeful murder in the summertime? Jane does.
Which brings me to my newest fixation -- the Nook by Barnes and Noble. Don't start putting words into my fingers, B-Reader. I'm not the picture of an avid reader. I leave that role to my sister, brother, well, the whole bloodline (I wonder if Mr. Dewey Decimal System is a distant relative?). In fact, I am the metaphorical black sheep of the family when it comes to being a book worm. No slithering around in dusty old books for this prep.
But, what I do love is a great gadget. Clean lines, simplicity, and multifunctional -- those are features that will engage me.
With the Nook, I'm able to read a bit of book A, with the built-in e-dictionary quickly highlight and define a bloody British word that's been driving me barmy, surf the internet, return to reading book A until the suspense is too much to handle, pre-order the next book in the series and save it to my library, read a bit of book B before determining to dive back into finish the murder scene of book A. I can do all of this before you can say Bob's your uncle! Blimey! Oh, and later in the day when my eyes are just too tired to read fine print without squinting and risking premature crows feet, I can increase the font size to extra-extra large! Brilliant!
Speaking of the Nook, I really should stop typing on the blog and get back to my read. Murders don't solve themselves, you know.

* See the resemblance?
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Gardening Woes
Dear B-Reader,
My beloved vegetable garden. Faithfully, I fertilized, weeded, and doted after every blossom and bloom. I was devoted.
One downpour came and went, taking my prized, grown-from-seed squash with it, leaving me nothing but a mushy glob of leaves. I did not give up.
Another continuous week of downpours came and went, giving the stem of my peppers a scoliosis-like curve. I did not give up.
A final week of intermittent downpours came, stayed, and did little more damage to the garden (the worst was already done), but it drowned me. I did give up.
Every morning, I stare at that tangled mess of tomato vines and blackberry stalks and think, "___." Yes, that's right, B-Reader, I think nothing. I've climbed down into the cave, reaching that critical point in depression where the patient is incapable of doing or feeling. My garden is neglected like the leftovers in my fridge. Left to fend off insects, weeds, birds all on its own.
This morning, through the humidity-glazed glass of my window, a beacon glared, making me blink to remove the flash. My sight refocused. With disbelief, I rubbed my eyes and looked again. My heart leaped (was that a feeling?). It was! It was! A bright red tomato!
Faith renewed, I journey into the garden later today. I think I will download Grandma Jackie's favorite hymn "In the Garden" as the theme to my revival.
* Tomato in my vegetable garden.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Sustainability Sucker
*Whole Foods' (and my) newest sustainable shopping bag.
Dear B-Reader,
As I was driving home from the office last night, pondering the ancient riddle of What's for Dinner, I decided to put the burden on Jeff. At the nearest stoplight, I quickly dialed his number, popped the question, got an answer in record time, exchanged "love you's," and hung up. Stomach churning, I diverted off of my usual route home and headed towards Whole Foods for the ingredients to our meal. Suddenly, I realized that I, once again, forgot to put the sustainable shopping bags into my car's trunk after my last shopping venture.
Begin inner turmoil:
Katherine: [shouting] "Dang it! I always forget!"
Katherine: [calmly] "No problemo, just use the bags that the sacker has at his ready, you know, the brown paper ones (B-Reader, remember, this is Whole Foods, the store that banned plastic bags)."
Katherine: "But I despise doing that. There is no reason to use a disposable bag that I am going to have to add to the recycling bin. I know it is made of recycled materials and can be recycled, but why do that? Why not use the same sturdy bag over and over again. Less waste is mo' betta. I guess I'll have to purchase a new sustainable shopping bag."
Katherine: [with disbelief] "Seriously?! Another one? Most girls your age collect designer handbags, not sustainable shopping bags. You have a real problem. I'm going to tell Jeff on you."
By the time my heated discussion was coming to a roaring boil, I had already raced through the grocery store, made my selections, transferred each item from my cart to the check-out conveyor belt. Realizing I chose the lane headed by Favorite Cashier, the guy whose wife is a major Madonna fan (say what you will, B-Reader, but that woman knows her business and knocks out classic verse like no other pop star), I knew what choice I had to make as he reached in slow-motion for the paper bag to sack the products.
"No, no, I need a new sustainable bag anyways, so please put away the paper, and use this one," said I as I watched my fingers reach for that little teaser of a tote that seductively dangles from the credit card machine.
Proudly, I put my newly-filled, newly-purchased sustainable shopping bag into the trunk of my car. Slamming the trunk closed slammed my brain into gear. I was a total sucker for sustainability! Whole Foods is a genius! They sold me convenience and conservation, and I bought right into it! Needing to resolve this unease, I rationalized that my new bag has a cute design that will be a nice addition to my current motley crew of sustainable shopping bags. I love it, the earth loves it, it's all good, debate over.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Katherine's Shout Out
This blog goes out to all those who encouraged me to write. Love you.
Dear B-Reader (Blog Reader),
Today, Thursday, July 15, 2010, is the first day of my blogging life. I have lots to say, and I will try to not bore you, my B-Reader, too often. In fact, my goal will be to entertain you and sometimes to move you into a new way of thinking (although I will try to steer clear of my least favorite topic: Politics). You might be wondering why you should read my blog, and to that, I have no truly convincing response other than, "just because it's fun and interesting." Read on if you like...or don't if you don't like...
Dear B-Reader (Blog Reader),
Today, Thursday, July 15, 2010, is the first day of my blogging life. I have lots to say, and I will try to not bore you, my B-Reader, too often. In fact, my goal will be to entertain you and sometimes to move you into a new way of thinking (although I will try to steer clear of my least favorite topic: Politics). You might be wondering why you should read my blog, and to that, I have no truly convincing response other than, "just because it's fun and interesting." Read on if you like...or don't if you don't like...
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