Thursday, July 15, 2010

Katherine's Shout Out

This blog goes out to all those who encouraged me to write. Love you.

Dear B-Reader (Blog Reader),

Today, Thursday, July 15, 2010, is the first day of my blogging life. I have lots to say, and I will try to not bore you, my B-Reader, too often. In fact, my goal will be to entertain you and sometimes to move you into a new way of thinking (although I will try to steer clear of my least favorite topic: Politics). You might be wondering why you should read my blog, and to that, I have no truly convincing response other than, "just because it's fun and interesting." Read on if you like...or don't if you don't like...


  1. Looking forward to many great entries ahead. Welcome to the blogging world!

  2. Thanks, Uncle Kelly (at least I think that's you from seeing "Star Wars" on your profile). :)
