The gale that blew through H-town this past weekend took with it my home's AT&T UVerse connection. No internet. No cable. No problem. Jeff dusted off our DVD collection, and we sat back last night to a feature presentation of one of our absolute favorites, Mario Puzo's The Godfather. Epic, tragic, and full of what I crave in a good plot -- murder.
Not your first impression of me, eh, B-Reader? Consider me the preppy version of Agatha Christie's Jane Marple. Whereas Jane knits, I compost; whereas Jane rides the trolley, I drive a VW beetle convertible; whereas Jane sips tea, I savor cappuccino. Now really, dear, don't you agree that there is nothing better than a good, old fashioned, vengeful murder in the summertime? Jane does.
Which brings me to my newest fixation -- the Nook by Barnes and Noble. Don't start putting words into my fingers, B-Reader. I'm not the picture of an avid reader. I leave that role to my sister, brother, well, the whole bloodline (I wonder if Mr. Dewey Decimal System is a distant relative?). In fact, I am the metaphorical black sheep of the family when it comes to being a book worm. No slithering around in dusty old books for this prep.
But, what I do love is a great gadget. Clean lines, simplicity, and multifunctional -- those are features that will engage me.
With the Nook, I'm able to read a bit of book A, with the built-in e-dictionary quickly highlight and define a bloody British word that's been driving me barmy, surf the internet, return to reading book A until the suspense is too much to handle, pre-order the next book in the series and save it to my library, read a bit of book B before determining to dive back into finish the murder scene of book A. I can do all of this before you can say Bob's your uncle! Blimey! Oh, and later in the day when my eyes are just too tired to read fine print without squinting and risking premature crows feet, I can increase the font size to extra-extra large! Brilliant!
Speaking of the Nook, I really should stop typing on the blog and get back to my read. Murders don't solve themselves, you know.

* See the resemblance?
I do see a slight resemblance! You are both in vehicles, and you're both female! : ) You are too funny, Katherine!