Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Weekend at Mashleys

Dear B-Reader,

Whew! What a whirlwind of a weekend and start to the week! It's been great but hectic.

Saturday evening at the Mashley residence (Matt, my brother, and Ashley, his wife and my sister-in-law) was hilarious as is usual whenever my family gets together. Let me just make a public health announcement: if you are at all suffering from the summertime blues, then you must check out the YouTube video "Double Rainbow" and "AutoTune News Double Rainbow." I promise you will be crying tears of joy and smearing your mascara just like I did.

Back to the Mashleys, well, really, the glue of the Mashleys, who is Ashley. Ashley is never one to sit back and do nothing. Saturday was no different. After playing hostess to our immediate family and our out-of-town Kelly Waltons extended family, she began prepping for her next hostessing gig. On Sunday afternoon, her home would become pregnant party central. That's right, a baby shower.

B-Reader, if you know anything about me, let it be this. I love babies and children when they are well-behaved, they let me spoil them without tattle-telling to Mommy, and they go home with their parents at the end of the day. I'm not Mommy material at this point in my life. However, I'd make a great Aunt Katherine, not Great Aunt Katherine. Anyways, my friends have all started to respond favorably to their biological clocks, whereas I have been able to hit snooze for a while longer. I don't keep up with baby trends and refuse to read the Parenting magazine at the dentist office. I am uninformed when it comes to babies...and Saturday was a reality check.

I wiped away the glaze of saltwater and makeup from my eyes, post "Double Rainbow" cleansing, and looked toward the kitchen where Ashley was hustling and bustling. She was surrounded by pink and ribbon and popcorn? I get pink, I get ribbon, but I don't get popcorn for a baby shower. She educated me that the latest baby shower theme is "Pop." Ouch! That sounds worse than ripping a day-old bandaid off of my unshaven legs. Hit snooze on the baby clock for another five years minimum.

* See, I am not joking.

* Cute hostess Ashley popping into her role as hostess. Our little Martha Stewart.


  1. Wish we could have stayed longer to have enjoyed more laughs. Looking forward to beach laughter.

  2. Love double rainbow! Loved seeing you and having some laughs. Wish it could be more.

  3. We had a lot of fun seeing you all, too! Double Rainbow power!!!!
