Thursday, August 19, 2010

New Toy, it's Christmas in August

Dear B-Reader,

I am pleased to announce that I am one of the first Houston Realtors(r) to have the latest electronic device for opening Supra lock boxes on the homes that we show. The Houston Association of Realtors released, yesterday evening, the first ever key fob for the iPhone. Of course, yours truly set-out today to purchase my very own copy.

See, B-Reader, I NEED this new toy. Not only does it appease my need for electronic gadgets, it satisfies my inner urge to be the best and provide the best service to my clients.

My previous Supra key was a totally boring, run-of-the-mill, cumbersome umbilical cord. I would have to plug the key, a 3inches-by-4inches device, into a power adapter to charge every day. Like many 1990 model power adapters, it was bulky and took up the space of more than two outlets. The surge protector that I would plug the power adapter into, and then plug the key into, was located on the floor of my office, next to my desk. It was out-of-sight, out-of-mind.

Now, you know me, B-Reader, I am totally on the ball. Some might call me a perfectionist. Others might refer to me as anal. However, I do have a (I will only admit to one at a time) fault: if something is not typed in my Outlook calendar, written down in my notes, or an ingrained part of my normal routine, I will sometimes forget to do it. This situation is exactly what would happen with my old key. I would schedule a real estate showing, charge my key so that it would have all the battery life needed to show multiple houses to my client, print out my buyer's notes and agent notes for each property, program the route into my Garmin, confirm appointments, and hop into my little VW Bug Convertible. And forget the key! I am embarrassed to admit to you that twice I have made it all the way to the first property on my showing list, met the client, walked to the door, and realized then and there that I had no key.

Never again, my friend! My key is my iPhone. Trust me, I won't leave work or home without it.


  1. I'm glad that you've found yet one more gadget to make life easier! As Mom always said in amazement, "What will they think of next?".
