Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Save a Little Tick Tock, Part 2

Dear B-Reader,

In my rush to get ready this morning, it dawned on me that it has been several months since I offered you some of my time-saving tips (didn’t catch the last snippit? http://katherinechalkley.blogspot.com/2010/12/save-little-tick-tock.html).

 Spend a few minutes reading below, and save boo-coos of time later!

1.       Do you ever mull over your beauty product selections wondering which shadow to use with which lip gloss? Why not purchase your makeup as a prepackaged set?  Most such sets are designed by makeup artists who know what they are doing, have their fingers on the pulse of high fashion, and select a pallet that is neutral and becoming on most skin types and skin shades. With my sensitive skin and abhorrence to fragrance, I turn to Clinique; they offer a complete cosmetic set (mascara, eye liner, gloss, blush, shadow) about once seasonally (unfortunately, there is not one at the moment), which is just about the same time when your stash of beauty treatments is running low or getting cakey. Check out Sephora for a new set by Tarte (http://www.sephora.com/browse/product.jhtml?id=P290628&categoryId=C19970&shouldPaginate=true) which even includes the latest trend, shimmering powder.

2.       Forget to turn off the water or to move the sprinkler to the next section of lawn? I did, at least once a week, until I stumbled across this beauty by Gilmour at my local Lowes (http://www.lowes.com/pd_99229-306-196SPBGF_4294935944+4294965417_4294937087_?productId=3104489&Ns=p_product_prd_lis_ord_nbr|0||p_product_quantity_sold|1&pl=1&currentURL=%2Fpl_Gilmour_4294935944%2B4294965417_4294937087_%3FNs%3Dp_product_prd_lis_ord_nbr%7C0%7C%7Cp_product_quantity_sold%7C1%26page%3D1&facetInfo=Gilmour).  It is an adjustable sprinkler that you set to fit the pattern of your lawn. No more overwatering the street and unsuspecting passersby with the spray; all the water now lands perfectly on my plot of land. And the timing couldn’t be easier with any of a variety (we own three types) of programmable timers which attach to your water faucet (hose bib for those of you down with the lingo) on one end and to the hose on the other end. Don’t forget to pick up a male and female attachment for you hose so that you can easily interchange the sprinkler head with a hand sprinkler.

I did this!
3.       I like to try my hand at baking on a fairly regular basis. I double the recipe for pie crust, use half of the dough for the pie for which it was created, and freeze the other half for the next time when I’m pressed for time. My fave pie crust recipe is Martha Stewart’s pate brisee, of course (http://www.marthastewart.com/355359/pate-brisee-make-two-9-inch-single-crust-pies-or-one-double-crust-or-lattice-crust-pie). To prep dough for freezing: make dough into ball, wrap in plastic wrap, insert into plastic ziplock bag designed for the freezer, smoosh out all of the air and flatten dough ball into disk in the process, pop into freezer. To thaw dough for the next flaky masterpiece: remove frozen disk from bag, place dough (still in plastic wrap) atop kitchen counter and allow to thaw at room temperature for up to one hour. Remember, when rolling out dough, you want it to be perfectly chilled.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Go Ahead, Make Me Blush

Dear B-Reader,

We all have those days when we feel a little less-than our absolute best. I know I do. When such a day arises, what do I do, you might ask. Well, this girl does NOT reach for the V-8, that's for sure (you know my thoughts about liquefied veggies, right?!). Instead, I apply a little blush to my dimples and down a full glass of clear, cool water.

And blush and water do not only work on lifting MY mood. They also perk the spirits of others. Don't believe me? Just flip on your television and wait for it..."Maybe she's born with it? Maybe it's Maybelline!" (http://www.maybelline.com). And there are floods of ads about the wonders of water. You can even visit the American Museum of Natural History for a tutorial in the stuff of life (http://www.amnh.org/exhibitions/water).

When my real estate clients ask me what to do to bring their homes closer to looking their absolute best for potential buyers, I rely on my blush and water regimen. Consider tidying your rooms (fluffing couch pillows, clearing the clutter, and making your bed) as applying blush; it simply enhances the look of what is already there. And the refreshing smell and appearance of a vase of flowers and foliage in your home's entry way is...you guessed it, your water element.

Chalkley Realtor’s prescription for a home on the market: Apply blush and water daily while condition persists. Discontinue use once offer is received and accepted.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Etiquette Q&A - Friends Reciprocate

Q: I have a question. What if you have some really good friends that you love doing things with, but it seems that you are doing all of the calling/inviting?

A: Dear Friend,

Thank you for your comment/question to the earlier posting http://katherinechalkley.blogspot.com/2011/07/etiquette-q-invitation-reciprocation.html.

Your friends are not reciprocating, and as mentioned in my post, reciprocation exists in order to build relationships. Relationships take "two to tango" and cannot be one-sided with one party doing all of the inviting.

I sense that you are not OK with this situation (and most people also would not be OK with it) and wish for a more substantial relationship with your friends. There are several approaches that you might take to handle this lack of reciprocation (see http://www.hisocietyds.com/blog/2009/01/05/options-for-the-friend-who-extends/). However, from your question, it appears that you have already tried to ignore the problem and/or have settled to be bothered by this situation and silently stew. My preferred approach to most prolonged, sticky situations is to simply attack such cases head-on.

A good, old-fashioned heart-to-heart conversation with your friends in a gentle, well-mannered method and tone is the tactic that I recommend. Let them know how you feel. You might also consider explaining to them how important their friendship is to you and that you would hope that your friendship is important to them, too. Be straight-forward and uninhibited in asking for what you really feel would be the primary indicator to you that your friendship is valued: tell them that you would appreciate a casual invite out from each of them.

Friendship, like all forms of relationships, takes routine work and appropriate honesty. If a person is a true friend, s/he will take your feelings into consideration.