Friday, July 20, 2012

Noo Loo - part 2

Dear B-Reader,

We are officially one week into the master bathroom remodel...and I have only lost my cool (in private, of course) twice! Not too bad, I am told...

Here is the progress since the last entry:
8. Tuesday, tile contractor installed mortar sub floor for the shower. I was seriously tempted to draw my initials in the wet concrete, but the little angel on my shoulder wouldn't let me.
9. Wednesday, much-needed time off from the remodel. Mortar sub floor also needed drying time.
10. Thursday, plumber installed shower pan (plastic liner over mortar sub floor) and filled it to the brim with water. Pretty cool.
11. Friday (today), electrician installed remaining outlet under the vanity. This is the awesome feature of the remodel: in the vanity cabinet, a vertical drawer that will have sections assigned to suspend the hairdryer and the curling irons...and the tools will be plugged into a power strip within the more cumbersome cords! Electrical inspections - passed! Plumbing inspections - passed! I love being a straight-A student!

And some photos:

Shower with plumbing rough.

Shower pan. Ah, look at that beautiful, floating debris...gross.

Vanity plumbing rough. Electrical outlet for my fancy hair tool caddy to the left of snow shovel...great for pushing back insulation in an attic.

Vanity lighting and main lighting for the bathroom.

Another shot of the main lighting for the bathroom, coupled with the old lighting (to be demo'ed next week, along with all remaining drywall. Note remaining exhaust fan. In background are the two lights for the shower, diagonally flanking the rainshower plumbing rough. Rainshower is Jeff's fave feature of the new bathroom.

Mia and Puccini are graciously lending their Kitty Bedroom to Bella, Jeff, and me during the remodel. I think we are already overstaying our welcome...

Have a great weekend!


Monday, July 16, 2012

Noo Loo - Bathroom Remodel Chalkaholic-Style!

Dear B-Reader,

Well, spring has passed, and we are well into summer. You must have been wondering where your beloved Chalkaholic has been...I am still here, plugging away with work, family, friends, and the home.

The homestead is undergoing a modern remodel. We're starting with the master bathroom...or, for those of us prepping for the London 2012 Summer Olympics, a Noo (new) Loo (potty). :) Jolly good, gov'na!

Here is the progress to-date:
1. Tuesday, moved out all bathroom belongings from master bathroom and tucked them away into every nook and cranny available throughout the house.
2. Wednesday, moved nightstand and necessities from master bedroom into the kitty bedroom (yes, our kittens have their very own bedroom, complete with a queen-sized bed...they are royalty, of course), where Jeff and I will be sleeping for about a month during the remodel.
3. Thursday, a bit of a let-down. There was a huge deluge in Houston, and the framer asked to reschedule demo and framing for the following two days. :( It all worked out well, though, as I was way to busy with work and volunteering that day to mess with the remodel.
4. Friday (the 13th...dum-dum-dah!), demolition and rough framing started and completed in ONE day! Not the anticipated TWO! Woohoo! Jeff took the furry babies to the clinic so that they would not be bothered by the in-and-out of the crew and the noise pollution of the jack hammer. Later that day, I cleaned up as much of the dust from the hall bathroom as is possible so that we would have a clean place to get clean. Mom and Dad visited, and both gave their thumbs up!
5. Saturday, a bit of a respite. Jeff cleaned the dust off of the master bedroom furniture and its floors. What a great husband I have!
6. Sunday, no remodel. Showed off blank canvas to architect (virtually) and neighbors for their thumbs up! Received!
7. Monday (today), rough plumbing in progress and should be completed by end of day. Several other contractors visited work site to scope out the job and make proposals. Too bad they don't propose the way Jeff did...with diamond ring in-hand...

Now some photos.

Original Shower (note triangle shape and low ceiling and short length) and wall heater.
 Expanded shower, made it rectangular, and removed wall heater. To expand, we removed a cabinet in the hall bathroom that was adjacent to the master shower.
 Raised the shower ceiling to be in-line with remainder of bathroom ceiling.
 Original toilet.
 Gutted toilet area. Will now have an above the commode cabinet.
 Original vanity next to wall heater.
 Original shelves and window opposite commode.
 New location of vanity will be under walled-in window. Mirror will go over walled-in window. Shelves are gone like the wind!
 View to the master bedroom from the master bathroom. The right is where the new pocket door will go.
 And the dust!

Now back to the homestead to check out today's progress. Plumber just said he was finished with the roughing in work. :)

- Chalkaholic